When I think about thermal water, my mind takes me back to the old days, when I used to go with my parents on ‘spa holidays’, in a town that is very famous for its waters, Herculane. Of course, I was too young to find this kind of holidays more exciting than they were and I had no interest in understanding the healing properties of that smelly water.

But time has passed and I started to be more aware of thermal water’s benefits, so here is how I use it in my daily routine:

1  If only I could apply a scrub or peeling to my face without the complementary redness that comes after that… but I use thermal water and it goes away!

2  I am not really a tan fan, so whenever I go to the beach, I get sun burns. Whenever I don’t feel like applying after sun lotions, I use thermal water to calm my skin. Bonus: it just feels so refreshing.

TIP! Keep your thermal water in the fridge for a coolness boost!

3  It’s an excellent makeup setting spray! Most sprays contain alcohol, but this water is just… water, so it does not affect the skin in any possible way. It’s just healthier and also makes the makeup less cakey.

4  I’m keeping my skin away from normal toners, provided the fact that they also contain alcohol, so a great alternative is… you guessed it, aqua.

5  On hot summer days, there’s nothing more refreshing than a cold spray of water.

6  I also spray thermal water on my (synthetic) brush when I apply shimmery or metallic eyeshadows to intensify the color.


RO: De fiecare data cand aud termenul ‘apa termala’, gandul ma duce la Baile Herculane si la sejururile curative petrecute acolo cu parintii mei. Eu insa eram prea mica pentru a intelege principiile vindecatoare ale apei termale sulfuroase, judecand doar dupa mirosul dezagreabil.

Timpul a trecut si am inceput sa inteleg de ce e important sa folosesc si eu apa termala in rutina de ingrijire a tenului… si nu numai. Mai jos am enumerat cateva moduri in care eu o folosesc cu succes:

1  Ador scruburile si peelingurile, insa pielea mea tinde sa se inroseasca dupa, de aceea aplic apa termala, iar roseata dispare.

2  Nu sunt tocmai genul de persoana careia sa ii placa sa stea prea mult la soare, de aceea ma si aleg destul de repede cu arsuri solare. Dupa fiecare zi de plaja, apa termala nu numai ca mai calmeaza din arsuri, dar da si o senzatie de revigorare a pielii.

TIP! Tine flaconul de apa termala in frigider pentru un boost de racoare.

3  Este un excelent spray de fixare pentru makeup. Cum majoritatea sprayurilor de acest gen contin alcool, apa este o varianta mai fericita si mai sanatoasa.

4  Ma feresc de lotiunile tonice din comert, pentru ca si ele contin alcool, iar alternativa mea este apa termala.

5  In zilele caniculare, nimic nu este mai refreshing decat un spray cu apa rece.

6  Cand folosesc farduri de ochi sidefate si metalice aplic apa pe pensula pentru a creste intensitatea culorilor.



Exista ape termale pentru toate tipurile de buget. Preferatele mele sunt:

  • Elmiplant, 15 lei
  • Oxyance, 30 lei
  • Avene, 50 lei

Voi ce apa termala folositi?


